Week 10:
Clip of the week: Uncle Buck (the movie) is about a man that has to take the place of the children's parents and watch the kids while they are away. Watch the clip below: 1. Describe the subtext of the scene (that which is happening in the scene but may not be spoken). 2. In a paragraph describe a time when someone took care of you that was not your normal parent or guardian. Did you get along with this person? Why or why not? Did you think he/she was fair? 3. Describe a time that you were embarrassed by an adult in front of your significant other or your friend. Looking back on the incident are you still embarrassed or is it humorous? |
Week 11 Watch the clip of Pretty Woman
1. In class we have discussed High status and Low status. Status can be shown physically (as we have learned in class) but what else can show status? 2. What is the status of Julia Roberts? How do the women in the scene show their status? 3. In a paragraph describe a time in your life when you experienced high status and a time when you experienced low status. How did it make you feel and as a result how did you act? |