A flat is the stage wall (and everything vertical)
A platform is the stage floor (and everything horizontal)
A flat is braced every 4’, a platform is braced every 2’
the real dimensions of a 2”x4” is 1 ½ “x 3 ½ “
4’x8’ platform:
2-2”x4” at 7’9”
2-2”x4” at 4’
3-2”x4” at 3’9”
4’x8’ flat:
2-2”x4” at 7’9”
2-2”x4” at 4’
1-2”x4” at 3’9”
A platform is the stage floor (and everything horizontal)
A flat is braced every 4’, a platform is braced every 2’
the real dimensions of a 2”x4” is 1 ½ “x 3 ½ “
4’x8’ platform:
2-2”x4” at 7’9”
2-2”x4” at 4’
3-2”x4” at 3’9”
4’x8’ flat:
2-2”x4” at 7’9”
2-2”x4” at 4’
1-2”x4” at 3’9”